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Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove

  Despite both of us having science backgrounds, my wife and I share a leaning toward the artistic, though we may express it in different ways. In her life, my wife has been a painter, a poet, a singer, an actor, and a fiction writer. Not to mention a mother. I don’t remember what precipitated this event, but my wife, my son, and I were at home in the front room. My wife was responding to something my son said. She said, “remember, you get half your brains from me. If it wasn’t for me, you’d be a complete idiot.” To which my son started howling with laughter and said to me,” I think you have just been insulted.” Sometimes I feel like Rodney Dangerfield. I get no respect. But that is not an uncommon state of affairs for fatherhood. When my son was going to middle school and high school, my wife was always the one to go in with him to get him registered for classes. One time she was unable to go and I had to be the one to get him registered. “Ugh,” he said. “why can’t Mama do i...
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Good Science vs Bad Science

  Science is about observation and insight. There is a difference between how the public thinks science works, and how it actually works. This is fundamental to the question of good science vs bad science. In both cases an observation is made and then a hypothesis is created to explain the observation. This is the point at which good science and bad science differ. A good scientist will then look for other evidence that either confirms or denies his hypothesis. S/he may then do experiments to test that hypothesis. If a test confirms the hypothesis, they are not finished. They may go through many cycles of experimentation and testing before they feel comfortable in publishing their results. Good scientists have to be ready to accept the fact that further testing may prove their hypothesis wrong. That is part of the process; it is essential to the process. Bad science is where after making your observation and coming up with a hypothesis, you only look for other data that supports ...

My Five Best Reads of 2024

  I suppose it is time to do a wrap-up for 2024. These are my favorite books of the past 12 months. These are books that I read in 2024. That does not mean they came out in 2024 (most of them didn’t). I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy, but I read other things too, so these are the best books I read in 2024 in no particular genre and in no particular order. Again, these are just the books that I liked. You may have hated some of these books and that’s okay. This is my list. I had difficulty narrowing it down to five. That is why this top five list inexplicably contains six.   It is also why there are honorable mentions afterward.   Service Model by Adrian Tchaikovsky Comic existentialism in robot form. Who could imagine such a thing? Well, the brilliant Adrian Tchaikovsky, that’s who. Don’t let the “E” word scare you off. I promise, it’s funny.   The Dog Stars by Peter Heller A post-apocalyptic story about an airplane pilot and his dog who par...

Service Model by Adrian Tchaikovsky (review)

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The Simplest Solution

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That Lucid Dream

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  I was rather alone. I had just travelled across the country to eastern Idaho to go to college. I had been given a partial track scholarship, so I knew the track coach (sort of), but I knew no one else in the city. My parents had helped me move into an apartment and had left to return to the Oregon Coast. I was alone. But I had my music. My recently acquired Pat Benatar album kept me company. Pat, And Tom Petty, and Pink Floyd, they were all my friends and helped me while away the time and made me forget that I was alone. Soon I would start attending classes, start getting together with my fellow track team members, and start my part-time job in the cafeteria, but until then, the hours were empty. I had scarcely been there a day, my stereo blasting away, when I heard a knock at the door. It was a pretty, dark-haired woman with a kind smile. She explained that she lived directly upstairs and the previous tenants had been known to play their music at all hours of the night, and co...