Welcome to the wild and wooly era of self-publishing. Anyone can publish a book now. The only requirement is that you have to actually, you know, write it. To be fair, there have always been ways to get your book published. Vanity press is the term used for a “publishing company” that, for a fee, would publish your book, no questions asked. It didn’t matter what the book was about, or if it was any good, or if it was even legible. If you put up the money, they would publish it. Vanity press companies have been around for eighty years or more. They are still around today in one form or another. There are also hybrid quasi vanity platforms that have some discernment about what they print, but you still have to pay for it up front. The advice I was always given was to avoid publishing companies that you have to pay. If they are legit, they should be paying you. Vanity press compan...