One of the things you discover when you get a book published is that you need to generate reviews for your book. See, whether you are self-published or indy-published, you are the one responsible for marketing. Even major publishing houses (should you be so fortunate to get published by them) are not going to spend much in the way of marketing dollars promoting your book unless your name is Stephen King or J.K. Rowling. So, you schedule book talks and signing events. You look for ways to promote yourself on social media, and so on. Unless you are planning on spending money on some seriously expensive ads (a lot of risk with a slim likelihood of reward) your marketing reach will not extend very far. That is why reviews are so important. Reviews get your name and the book’s name out there to a wider audience. Also, as the number of reviews start to climb, places like start to take your book more seriously. At some point they start to put your book on their suggested read...