In my writing journey, I have had help along the way. I had some pretty good teachers in school that got me going. But in retrospect, a lot of what they taught me didn’t stick (Subject? Object? Participle? What?). When I was in college I fancied myself as a short story writer. I churned out a lot of stories that did not go anywhere. Then I had the experience of taking a writing lab at Idaho State University. That meant one-on-one two days a week with Dr. William Gibson (no, not the guy who wrote Neuromancer, though that would have been interesting; this one was an English professor). That was painful, stressful, hard, but ultimately I would have to say it was necessary. He tore my writings apart, showed me how bad they were. Things that I thought were clever and funny, he found to be trite and overdone. It was kind of a confidence killer. But I made it through. I learned a lot. One of the things I learned was that I seemed to be very fond of comma splices. Okay, I learned what a comm...