A bit of a change of pace this week. Back when my son was in high school in the school band, I got roped into becoming co-president of the band boosters. Among other things this meant that I would be a chaperone on the trip to the Starlight Parade in Portland. Yay. I was savvy enough to take notes about what happened that day, and I thought I would share them with you, lo these many years later: I arrive bright and early along with Mr. M. (the band teacher) and the other chaperones. We start organizing things and loading equipment on the equipment van. I begin going over my checklist of things to make sure we brought Band-Aids, scissors, duct tape, etc. I ask Mr. M. about some of the things on my checklist. He says we need extra reeds and goes upstairs to get them. Some students still don’t have permission slips, so we have to watch out for them and grab their parents before they leave. It is now 11:00 (our scheduled departure time) and students “A” and “B” have not yet...