Global warming is just a new fad to take your cars away right? Wrong. There is nothing new about it. As early as the 1890’s scientists were speculating about the effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide on the temperature of the Earth. In 1938 G.S. Callendar first proposed that the Earth was already warming due to carbon dioxide emissions and produced evidence to demonstrate it. But not many people paid any attention. The advent of digital computers in the 1950’s meant that more thorough modeling of the atmosphere could be done. Some of the mechanisms that were thought to offset the carbon effect, were shown to not be valid. New alarms began to be raised. In the late 50’s and early 60’s scientists started explaining this problem to the general public. But the idea was slow to catch on. Those who got concerned about such things, tended to be more concerned with the effects of pollution which could cause things like lung disease, cancer, and acid rain. These were things the general ...