Peter F. Hamilton’s A Night Without Stars is a sequel to The Abyss Beyond Dreams , which I reviewed a few weeks ago. Most of the story takes place many decades after the first book, so most of the characters are new. Though some characters come from the Commonwealth which has developed a functional version of immortality by downloading their brains into a new body or a machine body. But the people stuck on the planet Bienvenido have been sealed off from the Commonwealth for thousands of years (by their reckoning). Bienvenido is cut off from everything, having been cast out of the Void into intergalactic space. I am glad that this takes place so far removed from the first book because Svlasta (the protagonist from that book) grew increasingly hard to like as that book progressed. Thankfully he is long dead before most of the events of this book take place. And yet, we find ourselves with another troubling protagonist in A Night without Stars . Chaing is a security officer. His ...