There seems to be varying opinions about prologues. Some readers hate them, won’t even read them. Why? It is part of the story. If the author had titled it “Chapter 1” instead of “Prologue” they would have read it without question. I guess it is because people feel that if it is a prologue, it is not really part of the story and they don’t want to waste their time on preliminaries. I am sure those same people would not read the “Acknowledgements” or the “Forward” or the “Afterword” either. I can understand being anxious to get to the story. Something made you interested enough to buy or to checkout or to borrow this book. You want to get to the meat. But the prologue (if there is one) is part of the story. It often tells us something about a character or a situation that we may need to know later. It may be there to set the emotional stage for the story. It is a gem, a kernel of information. Then again, I have read some prologues that were not all that enlightening or useful to...