The Dog Stars by Peter Heller is set in a post-apocalyptic near future. The “apocalyptic” event in this story is a pandemic that had happened off-screen, nine years earlier. Those who survived the ‘blood sickness’ are few and far between, but most of them you don’t want to meet. It is every man for himself, as is often the case in a post apocalypse. Our main character, Hig, is a pilot. He and his partner, Bangley, have made a small airport in Colorado their home base. Bangley is fanatical survivalist. We don’t like Bangley very much, but it is probably true that his presence has kept Hig alive. Banley’s attitude is shoot first and . . . well, don’t even bother asking questions, just shoot. Bangley thinks Hig is too full of the milk of human kindness, and he is probably right. As much as we detest Bangley, without him there to teach him and to look out for him, Hig would have long ago become dog meat. Having secured this airport and setting it up so they can see people coming f...