In the realm of science fiction and fantasy
books there have been some wonderful covers and cover artists over the years.
The Hugo Awards started giving awards to artists in 1958. Prominent cover
artists include Frank Frazetta, Kelly Freas, Boris Vallejo, Michael Whelan, and
many others who are giants in their field, but whom the public may not know by
name (though they probably know their art).
In the early pulp fiction days of science
fiction, covers often included a B.E.M. (Bug-Eyed Monster. It happened often
enough that people came up with an acronym for it.) We may look at those covers
today and think they were kind of cheesy, but hey, people back then were trying
to capture attention, and nothing catches your eye like a good B.E.M. They
eventually became a cliché and artists quit putting them on covers.
I have come to realize that I am in the same
boat as many readers of the genre. There are many iconic covers that I can
recall, but I have no idea who did the covers. Some of the covers I had to
research: Hogan’s Inherit the Stars (Darrel K. Sweet), Heinlein’s The Moon
is a Harsh Mistress (Carl Lundgren), Le Guin’s The Left Hand
of Darkness (Alex Ebel), and Varley’s collection The
Persistence of Vision (Jim Burns). As I was looking into this, I
noticed that many of the older books in my collection do not even list who did
the cover. That seems a shame. Artists (all artist) have a hard enough time
without being uncredited. Try it. Go to your bookcase (if you still have such a
thing) and pick out your favorite science fiction or fantasy book and see if
they give credit to the cover artist.

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