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Spotted Owls (part 2)


(This is a continuation and conclusion of last week’s blog)

So, why do northern spotted owls like old growth? They don’t “like” old growth; they are adapted to life in an old growth forest. Thousands of years of evolution have honed their bodies and their behavior to be successful in that habitat. Can spotted owls fly to a different kind of habitat? Of course. They are birds. They can fly wherever they want, and frequently do. It is possible to find one in a second growth forest or even in a clear-cut area. Just like it is possible to find me at the beach, or in a desert, or on a mountain, but I don’t live there. Spotted owls live in old growth forest. That is where their major prey types are to be found: mainly flying squirrels and red tree voles. They can eat other things but this is the diet that gets them the energy they need to be able to reproduce. It takes a lot more energy to nest, produce offspring, and raise those offspring, than it does merely to survive.

Having located a spotted owl on a night-time survey, we would follow it up the next day to try to track down the bird in daylight. Following the azimuth, we recorded the night before (with some realistic allowances for terrain) we would push our way into the forest, hooting every few minutes. We had to hoot frequently because spotted owls are less active and less aware in the daytime. We followed the approximate azimuth, hooting for the prescribed time and if there was no response in the given time limit, we returned to the ranger station and documented the negative result.

The first time I got a response on a daytime follow-up was as exciting as the first time I got a night-time response. My partner was as thrilled as I was. I hooted a few more times and the bird flew to us. He just sat on a branch watching us. We were the strangest spotted owls he had ever seen. Now for our next trick. I took off my backpack and produced the big coffee can that held live mice. I knew what to do, but this was the first time I had done this, so I was not sure what would happen. I picked a mouse out of the can and set it on a stump. My partner and I backed away. The mouse sat there for a minute, not sure what was happening. Then it began to explore the top of the stump, nosing around its new environment. I had wondered if the mouse would just run away, scurrying into the forest, but no, it was not in the mood for running. It was a sitting duck when the owl decided the temptation was too much. It swooped down with its wide graceful wings outstretched, snatching the mouse. He flew up to a branch and devoured his prey. My partner and I were just sitting there with our mouths open. He finished his meal and looked around, occasionally eyeballing us. I placed another mouse on the stump. Protocol said we were to keep feeding him mice until either he took one and flew off to his nest (hopefully giving us a chance to follow to the nest and confirm a breeding pair), or ate four mice. The protocol said that if he ate four mice without taking any to the nest then he was not part of a breeding pair for that season. It seemed kind of random to me, but I guess those in charge had their reasons.

At some point this bird flew off with a mouse and we gave chase. If you can call it giving chase when he can fly and we were on foot fighting through the brush. Fortunately for us there was a nest and it was close by. After coaxing him with another mouse, he snatched it and took it up to a hollow in a tall rotten snag. There we saw the female. Bingo. Breeding pair confirmed. Our job was done.

Spotted owls are the epitome of stealth. They have fringed feathers that makes their flight almost completely silent. One time on a daytime visit, my Partner and I had been hooting and hooting for some time when all of a sudden, my partner said, “oh, hello.” I looked where she was looking. There was a spotted owl sitting on a branch not ten feet away watching us. We had no idea how long he had been there. Their mottled coloration also lets them blend in with the forest. I think I wasted four rolls of film (yes, that was back in the day when cameras required film) before I finally got one good picture of a spotted owl. So, they are hard to see and hard to hear, excellent qualities for sneaking up on prey.

But that does not make them invulnerable. With their habitat shrinking, the energy requirements for breeding are harder to attain. Their population began to decline. How many of the other thousands of species that live in the old growth forests are also in decline? The jury is still out on that, but it is safe to say that it is a concern. At any rate, as I was ending my time with the Forest Service, the spotted owl became officially listed as a threatened species on the Endangered Species List. Monitoring the status of the owl population became the responsibility of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. My time was done, but it was one of the more fascinating jobs I ever had. Earlier in the summer my partner Monica and I were talking about the fact that we were working ourselves out of jobs (less timber harvesting meant less money to the agency. Temporary workers like Monica and I would be the first ones cut). Monica said, “I’m actually okay with that. I can get another job. The spotted owl can’t.”

Star Liner


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